Monday 30 May 2011

Walk to Parliament - Thank You!

Thanks to all those who participated in today's walk to deliver a petition to your Member of Parliament expressing outrage at Parliament's attempt to selfishly improve their welfare at a time when their constituents are going hungry.  What was supposed to be a straight forward exercise of delivering a petition, turned into a farce and walkers were nearly arrested at Parliament.  We were stopped and told to move a short distance away from a security check point.  We agreed and stood patiently waiting to be received at a meeting arranged by the Leader of Opposition.
After 30 minutes for no apparent reason, security seems to have lost their patience with our small group, not exceeding 30 people.  They told us to leave or be arrested.  One officer shouted orders and we were surrounded by riot police who outnumbered us nearly 4:1.  The media was ordered to leave and they were roughly shoved away.  A female reporter with WBS was beaten  with a baton.  We remained calm and insisted that we were within our rights to petition our representatives.
The Police kept increasing its deployment and finally when a police bus arrived a plain clothes officer only know to us as Laban ordered us to get on to the bus because we were now under arrest.  Walkers started to board the bus but thankfully some opposition Members of Parliament led by the Leader of Opposition - who earlier on told us they were arranging to receive us; returned and explained that we were their guests. 
Police nonetheless denied us entry into Parliament without offering any plausible reason.  We were then given one minute to leave the area outside Parliament or else be arrested.  We decided to leave peacefully but police constables who were clearly confused by constantly changing orders from an array of their superiors shoved and pushed us thinking we were escaping arrest.
The  Parliament of Uganda houses our representatives and today the police denied us access to our representatives.  We posed no threat to our representatives yet we were treated like criminal tresspassers on public property!  The Leader of Opposition was notified of our visit to present a petition and he accepted to meet us prior to our arrival at Parliament.  Once again our rights have been trampled upon but we will not be deterred in our efforts to hold our leaders accountable.
Thanks to all those who stood their ground against rampaging soldiers and police constables.  Special thanks to Makerere University Guild President and his government who were present and brave -  You did fine. It was refreshing to meet A4C members who normally interact online joining us offline and being as brave as they are online. Thanks to the media who took the blows on our behalf. Thanks to the Leader of the Opposition, Hon. Nathan Nandala Mafabi, Hon. Christine Abia and your colleagues for standing up for us otherwise we would certainly have spent the night in police custody.
We have officially notified the Inspector General of Police that we will picket Parliament on Thursday June 2, 2011.  The Leader of the Opposition promised to meet us officially in his office on Thursday.  See you there!
Anne Mugisha
Activists 4 Change

Sunday 29 May 2011

Walk to Parliament - We need your help!


Yesterday the National Coordinator of Activists4Change issued the following press release to announce a Walk to Parliament.

We are asking individuals to walk and personally deliver a signed copy of the attached petition to their MP and to try to arrive in the afternoon when Parliament is in session.  In order for the exercise to succeed we need your help in mobilizing participants.  You can help by emailing us at for a copy of the petition.  You can take action by making many copies and handing them to activists who are willing to sign them and deliver them individually to their MP at Parliament.  Please ask them to deliver their signed petition at 2pm tomorrow (Monday) so that we can have significant numbers to make a statement of our outrage in this matter.

You can also participate by signing the online petition here:

Much obliged.


Saturday 28 May 2011

Walk to Parliament - Press Release



“The Walk to Parliament on Monday”
28th May 2011

We would like to appreciate the entire general public for participating in the second campaign that was announced by A4C a week ago, to complement the Walk to Work campaign. The drive-ride & hoot campaign that has run for the last 5 days has been immensely supported by Ugandans from all shades of political opinion. The key pillar on which A4C wishes to anchor the values of our country; is that we have a national obligation at all times as Ugandans to hold our leaders accountable.

The Walk to Work campaign is still on every Monday and Thursday for Ugandans to express their dissatisfaction with conduct of affairs of the state by the regime in power, especially neglecting the welfare of the common man. Take for instance the escalating prices of petroleum products.  Government's instrasigence and refusal to reduce taxes on fuel is a major reason ordinary Ugandans sleep and live in the dark both in towns and the country side. And while crude oil prices have gone down on the world market, the government of Uganda has not reciprocated by compelling dealers to reduce pump prices.

In the face of  government's blatant refusal to respond plausibly to the people's demands, the Walk to Work campaign will continue on the indicated days, and the drive-ride and hoot campaign will resume at the same time Monday to Friday, until government offers an acceptable response to the demands of our people. We implore Ugandans to remain firm in the face of police intimidation and brutality. It is only then that our quest for a free and just society will be realized.

Activists 4 Change stands in solidarity with all Ugandans who are outraged by the news that Parliament seeks to increase their emoluments in the face of rising inflation.  Reports in the mainstream media indicate that an unholy alliance between some opposition MPs and some ruling party MPs put forward these offending proposals after throwing the media out of Parliament, blacking out television coverage and suspending formal recording of proceedings in the Hansard.   It is further reported that in this blacked-out session, MP’s prioritized their personal concerns including:

·         Softer loans and tax free luxury vehicles for themselves;
·         Advance payments of up to UGX 50 million each to cushion themselves from high interest rates that the rest of Ugandans pay to get a bank loan. 
·         An increase in their pay checks to buffer themselves from double digit inflation.

We do not believe that any one seeking an advance pay from their employer requires the sitting of entire organization like MPs did last Thursday.  Nor was there justification for MPs to hide behind the curtain of parliament to have their way at the expense of the rest of the country.  We commend the Hon. Nandala Mafabi for rejecting the proposed luxuries to his office by government and his continued insistence that public good be served.

If these reports are accurate, then it appears that MPs have prioritized their personal concerns ahead of those of their constituents in a very selfish and greedy manner.  All Ugandans are affected by inflation, high interest rates and taxes.  We send leaders to Parliament to address concerns that affect us all and not to sit behind closed doors and improve their personal welfare through lavish spending of public funds at our cost.  These reports have cast a dark shadow over the August House at a time when government has failed to offer meaningful solutions to address soaring fuel and food prices affecting constituents.

Activists for Change calls on all concerned Ugandans to peacefully ‘Walk to Parliament’ on Monday 30th May, 2011, and express their discontent directly to their representatives. It is the duty of every citizen to ensure that our MPs do not add to the burden and agony that citizens are already suffering due to an unresponsive government.

As a country, it is only the commonness of purpose that shall yield dividends befitting  a people pursuing a common destiny

For God and my Country

Mathias Mpuuga Nsamba
National Coordinator

Friday 27 May 2011

Walk to Parliament on Monday

Activists 4 Change stands in solidarity with all Ugandans who are outraged by the news that Parliament seeks to increase their emoluments in the face of rising inflation.  Reports in the mainstream media indicate that an unholy alliance between some opposition MPs and some ruling party MPs put forward these offending proposals after throwing the media out of Parliament, blacking out television coverage and suspending formal recording of proceedings in the Hansard.   It is further reported that in this blacked-out session, MP’s prioritized their personal concerns including:

·         Softer loans and tax free luxury vehicles for themselves;
·         Advance payments of up to UGX 50 million each to cushion themselves from high interest rates that the rest of Ugandans pay to get a bank loan and;
·         An increase in their pay checks to buffer themselves from double digit inflation.

If these reports are accurate, then it appears that MPs have prioritized their personal concerns ahead of those of their constituents in a very selfish and greedy manner.  All Ugandans are affected by inflation, high interest rates and taxes.  We send leaders to Parliament to address concerns that affect us all and not to sit behind closed doors and improve their personal welfare through lavish spending of public funds at our cost.  These reports have cast a dark shadow over the August House at a time when government has failed to offer meaningful solutions to address soaring fuel and food prices affecting constituents.

Activists for Change calls on all concerned Ugandans to peacefully ‘Walk to Parliament’ on Monday 30th May, 2011, and express their discontent directly to their representatives. It is the duty of every citizen to ensure that our MPs do not add to the burden and agony that citizens are already suffering due to an unresponsive government.

Anne Mugisha
Activist 4 Change

Friday 20 May 2011

Where will you be at 5pm on Monday 23, 2011?

STOP and HOOT for 5 minutes at 5pm starting Monday 

A friend shared these thoughts, please share them with your friends.  If you own a car, join a team.  If you don't own a car find a ride, jump onto a boda-boda or simply walk and bring your whistle or vuvuzela along.  Have a team of 3-5 cars/boda-bodas/bicycles or 2x2 and arrive at an agreed spot at exactly 5 pm.  Stop and hoot to the beat of three words: We-Want-Change, We -Want-Change. Use Sunday to scout for a route where you will make most impact; agree on the exact spot where action will take place.  You can arrive at your spot in a convoy or from different directions.  Remember this will be a daily activity so keep identifying new spots for your activity.  

Be Bold.  Choose a leader for your team to coordinate movements.  Agree on a lead and rear car/boda-boda etc, go through all details including identifying cars, drivers, noise makers, etc...

There will be other activists around town doing what you are doing.  You are not alone and do not abandon this activity to other activists on the other side of town otherwise it will be very quiet in Kampala on Monday at 5pm.  Rely first on yourself and your team and remember we are all in this together.

If all fails stand in your front yard/verandah and bang a hole in that old saucepan.

Thursday 19 May 2011


Join The Fun at A4C and HOOT 4 Change

When:   Every day starting Monday 23rd May, 2011

At:   5:00 PM

Up to:   5:05PM

Where:   Anywhere (literally)

Do What:   Blast your horn! Yes, Hoot! Blow your whistle or Vuvuzela! Play your trumpet or siren! Bang your saucepan or kettle! Blow that kazoo or your flute! And if all fails ‘Shout out Loud’ for your government to hear our voices! ‘We want Change’ ‘We want lower taxes, lower prices on all essential foods and fuel.’  And if the government cannot deliver:  They must quit!  We will shout and demand for change even if they dye us PINK

So What? So go ahead and make some noise for 5 minutes every day at 5:00pm starting Monday!

Go Hooters!

Wednesday 18 May 2011

Walk to Work May 19, 2011

This morning Kizza Besigye's day started with meeting the press at his house.  At about 8:35 am he got in his vehicle heading to work but only managed to get as far as the junction at the end of his private property.  He was unable to access the public road because he was blocked by police.   He was not attempting to walk but rather he was being driven in a vehicle.  The police operation was led by Asst Supt of Police Rweza - OC Kiira Road and a second senior police officer whom Kizza Besigye says he was not able to identify.

Rweza told Besigye, that police had information that there would be a breach of peace if Besigye left his farm and therefore he would not be allowed to leave.  Kizza Besigye asked the police officer to explain what information the police had that supported their claim but he was not given an explanation.  Besigye then asked if he was under arrest and Rweza responded that indeed he was under 'preventive arrest.'

Immediately thereafter Besigye's car was surrounded by police constables who also pushed away journalists to remove them from the scene.  Kizza Besigye's driver then reversed their vehicle and returned to the farm.  Earlier Kizza Besigye's aide Sam Mugumya reported that every access road to Kizza Besigye's farm was sealed off by Police and there were approximately 30 vehicles deployed to ensure KB did not leave the farm.

Kizza Besigye has asked his lawyers to investigate whether the circumstances under which he was detained were lawful and if he could be lawfully restrained from leaving his home through 'preventive arrest' which means that he is unable to carry on his usual business.

Anne Mugisha