Friday, 22 July 2011

Light A Candle

Light A Candle

On Saturday August 5th to 7th, 2011

Light a candle in memory of those Ugandans known and unknown who lost their lives between April 11, 2011 and May 12th or thereafter in the course of campaigning for change or as bystanders who became victims of state brutality.

Light a Candle in Memory of:
People shot and killed in Gulu on April 14, 2011
1. Dan “Musa” Wasaga
2. Charles Odur
3. Adoni Mugisu 

A Baby fatally shot in Masaka on April 21, 2011
4. Juliana Gift Nalwanga


People shot and killed in and around Kampala on April 29, 2011
5. Ssemugga Kanabi
6. Sam Mufumbiro
7. Frank Kizito
8. Wilber Mugalazi
9. Augustine Guwatudde
10. James Mukiibi

Light A Candle for the unknown activist and the unknown bystander who died at the hands of Ugandan security forces. 

Join us as we travel around the country lighting candles to honour those who died during the first phase of the Walk to Work campaign.  Venues will be announced next week.

Anne Mugisha
Activist 4 Change

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